CJE on Investigation and Prosecution of Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA)

12th-15th June 2024

Judges and Judicial Officers training on Regional and International Human Rights Instruments

29th - 31st May 2024

Stakeholders engagement on Bench book for wildlife, forestry and fisheries Crimes

29th-30th May 2024

Training on Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Corruption, Economic, And Transnational Organized Crime for Judges & Judicial Officers of The Anti-Corruption Court in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique

12th - 14th June 2024

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How Can we help you ?

What our leaders say

The ‘Social Transformation through Access to Justice’ Vision for the Judiciary identifies continuous education and training for judges...
Hon. Justice Martha Koome
Chief Justice & President of the Supreme Court​
The Office of the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary shares in JTI’s vision of a centre of excellence for judicial education and training ...
What is envisioned is a Centre of Judicial Training and Excellence. An environment in which our Judges and Magistrates...
Hon. Justice (Dr.) Smokin C. Wanjala, CBS

Justice of the Supreme Court of Kenya & Director General, Kenya Judiciary Academy
The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) Committee on Learning and Development is constituted by the Commission pursuant to...
Hon. Prof. Olive M. Mugenda
Former Chair Person Learning and Development Committee
Alternative Justice Systems Framework Policy
Judiciary Training Insitiute Strategic Plan, 2020-2024
Judiciary Transformation Framework
Sustaining Judiciary Transformation