What our leaders say

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) Committee on Learning and Development is constituted by the Commission pursuant to section 19(4) of the Judicial Service Act. The mandate of the Committee is to: Scrutinize, review and recommend to the Commission for approval the relevant Policies and Guidelines, review and recommend to the Commission for approval of training, development and change management programmes, recommend to the Commission budget for training and development, Monitor, evaluate and review the training, development and change management programmes and to facilitate the establishment of professional networks and linkages to develop and grow leadership in the Judiciary.
The Committee is the link between the KJA and the JSC.
Some of the notable Achievements of the Committee include: Review and approval of the Training Needs Assessment Report for the Judiciary, approval of annual Training Master Calendars for Judges and Judicial Officers, strengthening of the KJA Institutional and human resource capacity and establishment of Strategic Partnership and Linkages with stakeholders.
The Committee is proud of the work being done by KJA and we urge judges, judicial officers and staff to take advantage of the trainings and development programs run by KJA so as to enhance and improve their professional capacity as well as improve on overall service delivery.