About Us

About KJA

The Kenya Judiciary Academy (KJA) formerly Judiciary Training Institute (JTI) is the Judiciary’s Institute of higher learning. KJA is leading the Judiciary, in line with the transformation agenda, in facilitating the growth of jurisprudence and judicial practice as the lifeblood of our institution. KJA is the judicial think tank: an institute of global excellence and the nerve centre of rich intellectual exchange. It interfaces between the Judiciary and contemporary developments in society, on the one hand, and learning interaction between the Judiciary and other agencies, on the other. KJA provides the intellectual anchor in making our courts the hearth and home of a robust and progressive jurisprudence that meets the aspirations of Kenyans.”

Our Mandate

The mandate of KJA formerly JTI has been summarized in the Institution’s current Strategic Plan (2018-2022) as follows:

  1. Providing and coordinating continuous judicial education and training to judges and judicial officers;

  2. Coordinating the preparation and implantation of the judiciary training master calendar;

  3. Conducting Regional and International Judicial Dialogues and Conferences;

  4. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) to determine the impact of the Institution’s training programmes;

  5. Conducting research and developing draft policies on various aspects of administration of justice as advised and required by the Commission;

  6. Sensitizing judges, judicial officers and judiciary staff on judiciary policies, guidelines and circulars;

  7. Coordinating the development and publication of bench books and other publications relevant to enhancing skills and competences of judges and judicial officers, and

  8. Spearheading on behalf of the judiciary, constructive engagement with and feedback from stakeholders and other arms of government.

Our Vision

To be the centre of excellence for judicial education and training of judges, judicial officers and staff.

Our Mission

To facilitate growth of jurisprudence and efficient administration of justice through delivery of judicial education, training, legal and policy research, and strategic partnerships.

Our Core Values

Integrity,  Professionalism, Collegiality, Diversity and inclusiveness,  Innovation

Our Commitment

We commit to deliver quality services effectively and efficiently

Our History

The Kenya Judiciary Academy (KJA) formerly Judiciary Training Institute (JTI) was established in 2008 initially by administrative action by the then Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya to provide judicial education and training for judges and magistrates. With the promulgation of the Constitution in 2010, KJA was clothed with legal authority as a delegate of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) under Article 172 (1)(d) of the Constitution. The Constitution mandates the JSC to “prepare and implement programmes for the continuing education and training of judges and judicial officers”. This function of the JSC has been delegated exclusively to KJA.


The Kenya Judiciary Academy is headed by the Executive Director and three Directors in charge of Directorates.


Judicial Education , Curriculum Development, Research and Policy development

Service Charter

We are committed to serve our clients with humility, integrity and professionalism


KJA develops partnership and strategic linkages with institutions in various aspects. It collaborates and partners with institutions in advancement of excellence in Judicial training, Legal and Policy research