Attend a Training

How to Attend a Training

If you are a participant or a facilitator in any training activity, to successfully signup, follow the steps below: 

  1. Input a PJ Number for Judiciary Employees or National ID Number or passport number for Non-Judiciary Employees as your username 
  2. Input a minimum of 8 character with at least a capital letter and a digit as your password.
  3. Provide your mobile number to enable you receive the One Time Password (OTP).

After you provide all the mandatory fields that are marked with a red asterix please click the signup button after which you will receive an email notification with your user account details. Please click the button labeled “Activate Account” which will lead you back to the JTI online home page with a message saying “Your account has been activated successfully”.

  1. Login with your credentials after which you will be redirected to your dashboard where you may choose the Activity, Workshop or Course you wish to enroll or participate in.
  2. Enroll for a training by following the steps provided by the e-learning platform

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Telephone: 0730 181960